9 Carefully Selected Yoga Postures For Busy Women

In today's society, most of our women are professional women. The double pressure of work and life often makes them busy every day.

From cooking, parenting, housekeeping, to managing work, many women have to put themselves into it.

In every busy schedule, you often forget to take care of yourself.

But we still have a good solution to help us release our daily fatigue and reduce the accumulation of stress. The effective way is to practice yoga.

Yes, you may not have enough time to go to the gym for a full yoga class.

Don't worry. Today we're going to share with you nine yoga postures. The nine yoga postures carefully selected for busy women can help us to improve our physical and mental state and keep us energetic and happy when we are busy

Yoga mountain

We are busy women often need to multitask things, at this time we need a solid foundation, Yamagata is a good practice to help us maintain a stable state.

Moreover, when we feel at a loss, practicing this position often can help us get back to reality quickly and stay away from bad emotions.

9 carefully selected yoga postures for busy women

Inhale and lift your arms over your head, palms facing each other

Stand with your feet hip width apart.

Press the soles of your feet tightly into the mat.

Inhale and lift your arms over your head, palms facing each other.

Stretch the neck, keep your shoulders away from your ears and lengthen your back.

Exhale, take back your hands, close your eyes, relax your face, and don't bite your teeth.

Observe feelings in the body and mind.

Conscious abdominal breathing.

Hold for 1 minute.

Yoga chair

It strengthens the thighs, abdomen and buttocks.

At the same time, it stimulates our abdominal organs and opens the heart.

This posture also helps to reduce menstrual cramps.

9 carefully selected yoga postures for busy women

Inhale, lift your arms up and fold your hands over your head.

Feet together, hands on the side of the body.

Knees bent, hips pushed back, thighs parallel to the floor, like sitting in a chair.

Inhale, lift your arms up and fold your hands over your head.

The body can lean forward a little, stretch and lengthen the spine.

Tighten your abs and gluteus.

Take a deep breath and hold for 3 minutes.

Yoga warrior's second move

This exercise is a good exercise to improve our confidence.

In addition, it can relieve back pain and sciatica.

Make the legs stronger and coordinate the arms and core.

9 carefully selected yoga postures for busy women

The right knee is bent 90 degrees, the big and small legs are vertical, and the right thigh is parallel to the floor

Connecting the phantom chair style:

Inhale and extend your left leg back.

Let the right foot face forward.

Tilt your left foot slightly forward, toes pointing forward and heel pointing back.

The right knee is bent 90 degrees, the big and small legs are vertical, and the right thigh is parallel to the floor.

Inhale and stretch your arms forward and back, not over your shoulders.

Palm down.

Exhale, sit down on your hips and look at the fingertips of your right hand.

Keep the spine upright.

Hold the position for 90 seconds.

Inhale, straighten your right leg, change sides, and extend your arms.

Repeat on the left.

Yoga goddess

Kali is an Indian goddess known for her wild energy.

Yoga believes that ideally all women have Kali in her body. She is the embodiment of courage.

Practice yoga goddess pose, give yourself a chance to open your chest and buttocks at the same time. This beautiful posture can improve your confidence.

9 carefully selected yoga postures for busy women

Practice yoga goddess pose, give yourself a chance to open your chest and buttocks at the same time. This beautiful posture can improve your confidence

Stand, legs apart.

Turn your feet out, heel to heel, toes out.

Lower the hips so that the thighs are parallel to the floor. You can keep your hands together.

You can also inhale and lift your arms above your head.

Stretch the spine and lower the hips.

Try to clasp your fingers, turn your palms out, and keep your arms straight.

Focus on your core and roll your shoulders back.

Hold the position for 3 minutes.

Don't forget to breathe.

Yoga Garland

Fully squat to adjust and strengthen the pelvis and open the hips.

This position is good for the digestive system.

9 carefully selected yoga postures for busy women

Full squat to adjust and strengthen pelvis and open hips

Stand up straight from the goddess's position and relax your hands:

Inhale. Get ready.

When you exhale, squat down completely.

The arms are sandwiched between the legs.

Push your knees away from your body with your elbows.

Put your hands together in the center of your heart.

Lean forward slightly, abdomen hard, chest up.

9 carefully selected yoga postures for busy women

Hold the position for 3 minutes.

Yoga boat

This position can maintain digestion.

Especially for women to be mothers.

It has a positive effect on menstruation.

At the same time, it can help us have a flat abdomen.

9 carefully selected yoga postures for busy women

The boat position keeps digestion

Start with garland and sit.

Legs together.

Inhale and lift your legs.

Focus on the core and extend your arms parallel to the floor.

Don't lean back.

The final position should look like a v.

If you can't keep your legs straight, keep your knees bent.

But make sure that the core muscles are tight and are exercised.

Hold for one minute.

Repeat two more times and take a few breaks between the repetitions.

9 carefully selected yoga postures for busy women

Focus on the core and extend your arms parallel to the floor

Yoga Bridge

In general, women often have problems with their lower back.

This position strengthens our lower back.

It's also good for the entire reproductive system.

Bridge, a handstand, can promote the health of the brain and thyroid gland.

9 carefully selected yoga postures for busy women

Inhale, press your palms into the floor and lift your hips off the floor

After completing the boat form, lie on your back.

Bend your knees and place the palms of your feet firmly on the floor.

Keep your feet and knees as wide as your hips.

Put your heels near your hips.

Arms on both sides of the body, palms facing the floor.

Inhale, press your palms into the floor and lift your hips off the floor.

Exhale, contract gluteus and thigh muscles, deepen back lift.

In the final position, the chest should be close to the chin.

Try to keep your chest close to your chin, not your chin to your chest.

Hold the position, tighten the core and hold for 3 minutes.

Yoga supine spinal torsion

This gentle twist can relax our spine and is a good detoxification exercise for the body and mind.

This position can stretch and twist the lower back muscles to prevent and relieve lower back pain.

9 carefully selected yoga postures for busy women

This gentle twist can relax our spine and is a good detoxification exercise for the body and mind

After completion of bridge:

Exhale and gently lower your hips to the floor.

Stretch your legs.

Bend your knees and hold them in front of your chest.

Extend arms to the side, level with shoulders, palms facing the ground.

Inhale. Get ready.

As you exhale, twist your knees to the right and your torso to the left.

Look to the left.

Shoulders on the floor.

If you feel difficult, support your knees with cushions.

Hold the position for 90 seconds.

Inhale and return to the center.

Exhale and repeat on the other side for 90 seconds.

Yoga supine and corset

This is a classic hip opening position. It's also a great way to end a yoga class because it's a posture of recovery and rejuvenation.

9 carefully selected yoga postures for busy women

Place your arms on the floor above your head, palms opposite or both hands open, palms facing the ceiling

After completing the spine twist on both sides, place your feet on the floor.

Push your knees away from your body while keeping the soles of your feet facing each other.

Place your arms on the floor above your head, palms facing or hands open, palms facing the ceiling.

Close your eyes and relax.

Take a deep breath and relax your body and mind.

Let's enjoy the moment.

After 3 minutes, stretch your legs.

Close your eyes and stretch your legs.

Take a deep breath, hold your breath and stretch.

Then relax and turn right. Place your left hand on your right and sit up in any comfortable sitting position.

Close your eyes.

Rub your palms to produce heat.

Put them in your eyes.

Slowly open your eyes and look at your palms.

Feel your hands together in the center of your heart to express your gratitude to mother earth and the time to help you with this exercise. Namaste!

9 carefully selected yoga postures for busy women

Take a deep breath and relax your body and mind. Let's enjoy the moment.

Yoga is more than just exercise.

When we do every posture with our heart, we will gain its physical, emotional and spiritual benefits.

Are you ready? Let's practice!

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